Outstanding Citizen of Boys State
Award: $2,500
Applicant must demonstrate outstanding citizenship while attending Iowa American Legion Boys State. Applicant must attend a college or university in Iowa. Selection is based upon the recommendation of Boys State Counselors.
- Iowa
- College freshman
- All Majors Eligible
Outstanding Citizen of Girls State
Award: $2,500
Applicant must demonstrate outstanding leadership while attending Iowa American Legion Auxiliary Girls State. Applicant must attend a college or university in Iowa. Selection is based upon the recommendation of Girls State Counselors.
- Iowa
- College freshman
- All Majors Eligible
Department of New Hampshire Scholarship
Award: $1,000
Applicant must have a minimum grade average of "B" and must be accepted to a four-year college or university.
- New Hampshire
- College freshman
- All Majors Eligible
Arkansas Governor's Scholars Award
Award: $10,000
Applicant must be an Arkansas resident and have a minimum combined SAT I score of 1220 (composite ACT score of 27) or a minimum 3.5 GPA, and demonstrate leadership abilities. Recipients must attend an approved Arkansas institution.
- Arkansas
- College freshman
- All Majors Eligible
Assumption Program of Loans for Education (APLE)
Award: $19,000
Applicant must be a California resident, intending to become a college or university faculty member, after pursuing an advanced degree at an eligible California graduate or professional school. Applicant is ranked competitively according to undergraduate grades, test scores, and consideration of a disadvantaged background, and must take the graduate/professional school exam appropriate to area of specialization. Selection is based upon financial need, academic ability, and state manpower needs.
- California
- No Restrictions
- All Majors Eligible
Scholarship Incentive
Award: $2,200
Applicant must have a minimum 2.5 GPA, demonstrate financial need, and be enrolled full-time in an institution in Delaware or Pennsylvania. Applicants from other states may be considered if pursuing a major that is not offered in Delaware.
- Delaware
- Master's-level study, Doctoral-level study, College sophomore, College freshman, College senior, College junior
- All Majors Eligible
Merit Recognition Scholarship
Award: -
Applicant must be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen and a resident of Illinois who ranks in the top 5% of their class at the end of the seventh semester. Applicant must attend an approved Illinois post-secondary institution as an undergraduate on at least a part-time basis, comply with Selective Service (draft) registration requirements, and claim the award within one year of high school graduation.
- Illinois
- College freshman
- All Majors Eligible
Maine Student Grant
Award: $1,000
Applicant must be a Maine resident attending an eligible school in a state with a reciprocal agreement.
- Maine
- College junior, College senior, College sophomore, College freshman
- All Majors Eligible
Memorial Education Fellowship
Award: $3,000
Specified fields of study change each year. Applicant must be a woman maintaining a legal residence in Massachusetts for at least five years and must be sponsored by the president of the General Federation of Women's Clubs of Massachusetts club in her community of legal residence. Applicant must also submit letter of reference, personal letter, and transcript. Interview is required. SASE required.
- Massachusetts
- Doctoral-level study, Master's-level study
- Business Administration, Psychology, Other, Nursing Administration (Post-R.N.), Nursing, Family Practice (Post-R.N.), Psychology, Medicine (M.D.), Experimental Psychology, Social Psychology, Nursing Science (Post-R.N.), Nursing Education, Counseling, Psychology, Nursing, Community Psychology, School Psychology
Educational Opportunity Fund Grant
Award: $2,500
Applicant must be from an educationally disadvantaged background and demonstrate financial need. Applicant must be a full-time, matriculated student at a New Jersey college or university and be a resident of New Jersey for at least 12 consecutive months.
- New Jersey
- College senior, College freshman, College sophomore, College junior, Doctoral-level study
- All Majors Eligible
Edward J. Bloustein Distinguished Scholars
Award: $1,000
Applicant must be (and have been for the previous 12 consecutive months) a New Jersey resident planning to attend a New Jersey college or university full-time. Applicant must be able to demonstrate academic achievement based upon secondary school records and SAT scores at the end of their junior year.
- New Jersey
- College sophomore, College junior, College freshman, College senior
- All Majors Eligible
Survivor Tuition Benefits Program
Award: -
Applicant must be the dependent of a New Jersey emergency service member or law enforcement officer killed in the line of duty. Applicant must be a resident of New Jersey attending a New Jersey institution of higher education as an undergraduate on at least a half-time basis. Grants pay the actual cost of tuition up to the highest tuition charged at a New Jersey public institution of higher education.
- New Jersey
- College freshman, College junior, College senior, College sophomore
- All Majors Eligible
June 1 (renewal students); October 1 (students who did not receive the award during the prior academic year)
Tuition Aid Grant
Award: -
Applicant must be or intend to be a full-time undergraduate at a New Jersey college or university, demonstrate financial need, and must have lived in New Jersey for at least 12 consecutive months.
- New Jersey
- College freshman, College junior, College senior, College sophomore
- All Majors Eligible
North Dakota Scholars Scholarship
Award: -
Applicant must be a high school junior who is a resident of North Dakota and who plans to go to college at a North Dakota institution. Applicant must score in the upper fifth percentile of all North Dakota ACT Test takers.
- North Dakota
- High school senior, High school junior
- All Majors Eligible
Rhode Island State Grant
Award: $1,400
Applicant must be a Rhode Island resident, a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen, demonstrate financial need, and file the FAFSA. Applicant must be enrolled at least part time in a degree or certificate program.
- Rhode Island
- College sophomore, College freshman, College junior, College senior
- All Majors Eligible
Ned McWherter Scholars
Award: $6,000
Applicant must be a United States citizen who is a Tennessee resident entering as a freshman student at an eligible Tennessee post-secondary institution as a full-time student. Applicant must have a minimum composite ACT score of 29 (combined SAT Reasoning score of 1280) on a national test date with a minimum 3.5 unweighted GPA.Extra credit for honors or advanced placement courses and leadership in extracurricular activities. Award is highly competitive.
- Tennessee
- College freshman
- All Majors Eligible
Ty Cobb Scholarship
Award: $3,000
Applicant must be an undergraduate student who is a resident of Georgia who has demonstrated financial need and has completed a minimum of 30 semester (45 quarter) hours of academic credits with a minimum grade average of "B."
- Georgia
- College senior, College junior, College sophomore
- All Majors Eligible
West Virginia Higher Education Grant
Award: $2,500
Applicant must be a U.S. citizen who has been a West Virginia resident for a minimum of 12 months prior to date of application. Applicant must be a high school graduate or have earned their GED diploma and be able to demonstrate an established level of financial need and academic promise. Applicant must plan to enroll at a participating West Virginia or Pennsylvania institution as a full-time student.
- West Virginia
- College freshman, College senior, College sophomore, College junior
- All Majors Eligible
Indian Student Assistance Grant
Award: $1,100
Applicant must be a Wisconsin resident who is at least 25% Native American and is enrolled in a degree or certificate program at U of Wisconsin, Wisconsin Tech Coll, or a Wisconsin independent college/university or proprietary institution. Applicant must submit FAFSA and grant application.
- Wisconsin
- No Restrictions
- All Majors Eligible
CTA Scholarship for Dependent Children
Award: $5,000
Applicant must be claimed as dependent status on the current year's IRS forms. Applicant must be the dependent child of an active or retired California Teachers Association member.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College senior, College freshman, Doctoral-level study, Master's-level study, College sophomore, College junior
- All Majors Eligible
E.C. Hallbeck Memorial Scholarship
Award: $1,000
Applicant must be the child or grandchild of an active or deceased member of the American Postal Workers Union; the parent or grandparent must have been a member in good standing for at least one year preceding application or death. Selection is based upon academic record, personal qualifications, SAT Reasoning or ACT scores, and total family income. Relatives of APWU elected National Officers are not eligible.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College freshman
- All Majors Eligible
James R. Hoffa Memorial Scholarship Fund
Award: $2,500
Applicant must be a high school senior who ranks in the top 15% of their class, has, or expects to have excellent SAT Reasoning or ACT scores, and is the child of a Teamsters member.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- High school senior
- All Majors Eligible
Iowa Federation of Labor AFL-CIO Graduate Assistantship
Award: -
Applicant must be a member in good standing or the child or ward of a member in good standing (active, deceased or retired) of a local union affiliated with the Iowa Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO. Applicant must be accepted into a graduate or professional program of study at The University of Iowa and not only profess an interest in labor education and research, but have the capabilities to offer assistance to the program at the University. Financial need is required.
- Iowa
- Doctoral-level study, Master's-level study
- All Majors Eligible
SEIU Scholarship
Award: $5,000
For most awards, applicant must be a member or the child of a member of a SEIU local union. Applicant must have been a member for at least three years prior to September 1 of the year the award is presented. Selection is based upon high school grades, SAT scores, achievements and honors, and personal character report. One scholarship is open to SEIU local union staff.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- College freshman, College senior, College sophomore, College junior
- All Majors Eligible
Utility Workers Union of America Scholarship
Award: $2,000
Applicant must be the child of an active member of the Utility Workers Union of America. Selection is made by the National Merit Scholarship Corp.
- United States
- High school senior, High school junior
- All Majors Eligible
Charles Abrams Scholarship
Award: $2,000
Applicant must be an United States citizen with financial need who has been accepted into a graduate planning program at one of five eligible schools at which Charles Abrams taught. Applicant must be nominated by the program's department chair and ultimately be in the pursuit of a career as a practicing planner.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- Doctoral-level study, Master's-level study
- Urban Affairs/Studies, Architecture and Design
American Planning Association Planning Fellowship
Award: $5,000
Applicant must be an African-American, Hispanic, or Native American who is an United States or Canadian citizen with financial need. Applicant must be enrolled in a graduate or undergraduate planning program that is accredited by the Planning Accredited Board.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- Master's-level study
- Urban Affairs/Studies, Transportation and Highway Engineering, Architecture and Design
Vocational Education Scholarship
Award: $1,000
Applicant must have a minimum grade average of "B" and be accepted to a two-year college or university. Two letters of recommendation required.
- New Hampshire
- College freshman
- All Majors Eligible
Maryland Association of Private Career Schools Scholarship
Award: $5,000
Applicant must be a Maryland high school graduate planning to attend a private career school in Maryland. Selection is based upon academic qualifications.
- Maryland
- College freshman
- All Majors Eligible
Catholic Daughters of the Americas Graduate Scholarship
Award: $3,000
Applicant must be enrolled in a graduate program at a college or university. Reasons for applying, official transcript of undergraduate work, letter of academic reference from a college or university, and autobiography are required.
- No Geographic Restrictions
- Master's-level study, Doctoral-level study
- All Majors Eligible